AstrHori 18mm f/8 2X Probe Macro Lens Announced

AstrHori 18mm f/8 2X Probe Macro Lens: Amazon

AstrHori Introduces the First APS-C 2X Macro Probe Lens — 18mmF8
Let everyone realize creative, macro photography.

AstrHori announces the APS-C 18mm f/8 2x Macro Probe Lens for Sony E, Fuji X, Canon RF, EF, Nikon Z and more mounts.
The lens will be officially launched on May 29th on Amazon, AliExpress, independent stations and other platforms.
The lens is now on sale for an impressively-low price of just USD 719, EUR 999, JPY 119,599, GBP 879, MXN 14,369, CAD 989.

Following the launch of the 28mmF13 2X macro probe lens, the 18mmF8 2X macro macro probe lens is launched. I don’t know if there will be a 28mmF13 second-generation lens, let us look forward to it. Continue reading “AstrHori 18mm f/8 2X Probe Macro Lens Announced”